The potential toxins that we can find in most mass marketed body care products are really broken down into four basic groups: carcinogens, penetration enhancers, allergens, and hormone (endocrine) disruptors. Hormone disruptors are perhaps the least recognized for their ill effects but as a growing body of evidence shows, they should not be ignored or taken lightly.

According to the EPA, a hormone/endocrine disruptor is defined as:

“an exogenous agent that interferes with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding, action, or elimination of natural hormones in the body which are responsible for the maintenance or homeostasis, reproduction, development and or behavior.” (Kavlock, R.J., 1996)

So what should we worry about?

There has been an increasing correlation between the use of hormone disrupting ingredients and the following conditions: abnormal hormone production and function, genital abnormalities in male babies, low sperm and testosterone counts, thyroid disruption, breast & prostate cancer, and reproductive system disorders.*

Parabens are probably the most infamous of this group, as they are common body care preservatives that are used to prevent bacteria and mold from contaminating products like creams, shampoos and conditioners. Others to watch out for include Phthalates, Triclosan and BPAs (Bisphenol-A), which can be found in body care products along with many of the plastics that we use around the home.

The argument against the toxicity and harm of these ingredients is that because they are used in such small quantities, they pose little to no risk. What this argument does not account for is the continued use of small amounts over time and their accumulation in the body. We can also think that these ingredients are unable to penetrate the skin in such low quantities but according to a study in the February 2008 journal Pediatrics, elevated levels of Phthalates showed up in the urine of babies who had recently washed or moisturized with common brand name baby products.*

If you haven’t already, its time to take a tour through your bathroom and I guarantee that you’ll be surprised at how many products contain either one or a combination of Parabens, Phthalates, BPA, or Triclosan. Removing these products is a great first step in ensuring your family’s continued good health.


*“Toxic Beauty” copyright 2009, Dr. Samuel S. Epstein .